Our professional specialties

With + 20 years of experience in maritime works, highly qualified personnel, and a large range of equipment, btm are involved in different activities. The company, which was originally specialized in underwater works, has been able to diversify its activity throughout its existence to acquire important know-how in the field of marine engineering. Thanks to its high degree of expertise, specialization, and the quality of its equipment, the company cultivates excellence and has a solid reputation in Tunisia and abroad.


Underwater Works

Maritime and fluvial Works

Maritime and fluvial civil engineering expertise

Underwater works

Professional divers for all your underwater works

btm offers a range of underwater works in all sectors. Whatever the environment, our teams of professional divers intervene to bring you solutions adapted to your various problems. Our teams intervene with seriousness and dynamism for the maintenance of your port structures and your underwater installations. After inspecting your equipment, we replace and repair your equipment regardless of the extent of the malfunction. Let's work together to get your work done as soon as possible. Do you want to tell us about a project, or do you want to know more about our different fields of expertise ? 

Contact us via our online contact .  

Our areas of application in underwater works

Port infrastructure

Securing and making reliable access to ports, Maintenance of port infrastructure, floating pontoons, development of quays

Installation and maintenance of pipes

Interventions carried out by Professional Divers


mooring buoy

 Ecological anchoring

Installation and assembly of metal formwork

Underwater cutting and welding

Installation and maintenance of thalassotherapy pipes

All Submerged Interventions

Maritime and Fluvial works

Maritime and Fluvial works

btm is made up of passionate professionals' divers in maritime and fluvial interventions. We have equipment adapted to your work regardless of the particularities of your site. Our broad range of knowledge and skills enables us to offer you adapted and personalized services for a full service. Perfectly trained in maritime and river work, our teams have all the necessary expertise to build and operate floating and fixed pontoons, carry out dredging, demolition or even maritime civil engineering work. Construction, renovation, development or maintenance, we are your partner. Do not hesitate to contact us via our contact form

Maritime works, a responsive team and performance equipment 

To meet all the needs of our customers, we have a fleet of equipment allowing us to intervene on new construction or rehabilitation sites. Reactive, we are listening to you to ensure personalized logistics that will respect both your budget and the deadlines specified in the estimate. Our teams intervene quickly on all the maritime and river sites located in Tunisia and abroad and with reasonable deadlines adjusted according to your request. .

Our fields of intervention in maritime and fluvial works 

From conception to implementation, maritime and fluvial works cover a range of structures. btm can support you in the following projects:

Maritime civil engineering, construction of structures

Concrete ballast blocks


Formwork and structural concrete

Adjusting the Platform and Laying Blocks

Conception, construction and repair of docks 

Refloating, lifting and wreck removal

Installation of geotextile dykes and instrumented buoys 

Expertise in maritime and fluvial civil engineering 

All of our inspection and expertise missions are carried out by experienced inspection agents

Expertise in Pipes

Coastal development leads to a considerable increase in the volume of water treated by treatment plants. We support our customers in the maintenance of pipes to ensure their proper functioning. To reduce the impact of developments on the quality of the marine environment, it is necessary to regularly inspect the effluent discharge pipes so as to guarantee their dispersion and dilution without altering the quality of coastal waters and the marine environment. btm has carried out numerous studies and project management of discharge into the sea. We have a certain expertise in the dimensioning and installation of these pipes.

Dam Inspection

We are authorized for all dam inspection missions. We analyze the facing of the dam and in particular the joints between blocks as well as the operating and safety components (water intakes, flood drainage, bottom drainage, etc.) using high-performance equipment.

All types of maritime and fluvial civil engineering structures

We control all maritime and fluvial civil engineering works. Our divers can provide you with a detailed report on the condition of your installations with to a precise diagnosis of your cables and pipes. We check all underwater structures: quays, foundations, piles, road structures, dikes, etc.